07/04 人

  • 你知道是什麼使人成為受苦最多的受造物嗎?是因為他一腳踏在有限上,另一腳踏在無限上,而他在兩個世界間被撕扯著。Do you know what makes man the most suffering of all creatures? It is that he has one foot in the finite and the other in the infinite, and that he is torn between two worlds.
  • 人是一種很有才能的受造物,弄出了三千兩百六十萬條律法,卻至今尚未在遵行十誡上有進展。Man is an able creature, but he has made 32,600,000 laws and hasn’t yet improved on the Ten Commandments.
  • 人是塵土所造的動物,卻配得上天國。(聖奧古斯丁) [Man is] An earthly animal, but worthy of Heaven. (St. Augustine: The City of God)
  • 人是上帝的受造物,其他每一件事物都是他的育嬰房或是保姆。(亨利.畢屈)Man is God’s creation. Everything else is the nursery and nurse of man. (Henry Ward Beecher)
  • 神造人是要他們成為某一種樣式,而非只要他們擁有某些東西。God made man to be somebody – not just to have things.
  • 人太尊貴而不應服事任何別的,只應當服事上帝。Man is too noble to serve anyone but God. (Cardinal Wyszynski)
  • 神阿!你為你自己造了我們,除非我們的心安息於你,否則它就沒有安息。(聖奧古斯丁)Thou hast made us for Thyself, and the heart of man is restless until it finds its rest in Thee. (St. Augustine)


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