7/8 藝術1

  • 所有的藝術都是無用處的。(王爾德)
    All art is quite useless. (Oscar Wilde)
  • 如果一個藝術家在他自己裡面看不見東西,他應該停止繪畫他眼前所見的東西。
    If the artist sees nothing within him, then he should also refrain from painting what he sees before him. (Caspar David Friedrich)
  • 不勤奮的生活是一種罪惡,而勤奮的生活若缺了藝術,就變成野蠻了。
    Life without industry is guilt, and industry without art is brutality. (John Ruskin)
  • 藝術不是生活中的麵包,而是生活中的美酒。
    Art is not the bread, but the wine of life. (Jean Paul Richter)
  • 藝術是「我」;科學是「我們」。
    Art is I; Science is We. (Claude Bernard)
  • 藝術的目的,不是要表達事物的外在形貌,而是事物內在的真義。(亞里斯多德)
    The aim of art is to represent not the outward appearance of things, but their inward significance. (Aristotle)
  • 一切藝術,都不過是大自然的仿製品。(辛尼加,羅馬哲學家)
    All art is but imitation of nature. (Seneca)
  • 人是用他的頭腦繪畫,而不是用手。(米開蘭基羅)
    A man paints with his brains and not with his hands. (Michelangelo)
  • 藝術家不是照事物的本身來看它們,而是用他所是的來看這些事物。
    The artist doesn’t see things as they are, but as he is.

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