3/29 思想耶穌3

  • 為何我們會期待世界善待我們,好過她如何對待耶穌呢?Why do we expect to be better treated in this world than Jesus was?(Leonard Ravenhill)
  • 耶穌觸摸我們一下,勝過我們一輩子的奮鬥掙扎。(宣信)One touch of Christ is worth a lifetime of struggling.(A.B. Simpson)
  • 基督在我身旁,基督在我前面,基督在我後方,基督在我裡面,基督在我下方,基督在我上面。Christ beside me, Christ before me, Christ behind me, Christ within me, Christ beneath me, Christ above me.(Saint Patrick,第五世紀愛爾蘭使徒)
  • 神在十字架上證明了祂的愛;當基督懸掛其上,流血、死去時,是神在對這世界說:「我愛你。」(葛理翰)God proved His love on the cross. When Christ hung, and bled, and died, it was God saying to the world, 'I love you.'(Billy Graham)
  • 有一位醫生,身體與心靈的醫生;前所未有的,又是原來就存在的;是神在人裡頭,真實生命卻下到死地;馬利亞的兒子,又是神的兒子;先是能被傷害的,後來成為不能被傷害的;就是耶穌基督我們的主。(聖依納爵,使徒後時代教會領袖),There is one Physician, of flesh and of spirit, originate and unoriginate, God in man, true Life in death, son of Mary and son of God, first passible and then impassible: Jesus Christ our Lord.(Ignatius of Antioch)



3/15 思想耶穌2

  • 耶穌的一生證明我們也能勝過世界!耶穌是上帝以人類能明白的語言拼寫祂自己。Jesus’ life proves we can overcome the world! Jesus was God spelling Himself out in language humanity could understand.(S.D. Gordon)
  • 神蹟無時無刻不在發生,我們需要多用信心來宣告神蹟;你今天預備好要挪去你生命中,阻礙你前行的大山了嗎?(提姆.凱勒)Miracles happen all the time. It takes a lot of faith to claim a miracle. Are you ready to move the impassable mountains of your life today?(Tim Keller)
  • 當你行經未知的山谷時,你會發現在你前頭,以及你身邊,都有耶穌的腳印。As you walk through the valley of the unknown, you will find the footprints of Jesus, both in front of you and beside of you.(Charles Stanley)
  • 耶穌垂聽我們禱告,在祂所訂美善的時刻,將會為我們成全。祂雖然有時讓我們長久等待,卻總不會打發我們空手而去。Jesus hears us, and in His own good time will give an answer… He may sometimes keep us long waiting…but He will never send us empty away.(J.C. Ryle)
  • 思想耶穌,認識耶穌,好知道這位你說你信靠、愛祂、敬拜的是怎樣的一位。去浸泡在耶穌的蔭庇之下,讓你的心靈被耶穌行事為人的方式浸透;注視祂,聆聽祂,在祂同在的威嚴可畏中侍立著,讓祂以祂的形象樣式淹沒你。Consider Jesus. Know Jesus. Learn what kind of person it is you say you trust and love and worship. Soak in the shadow of Jesus. Saturate your soul with the ways of Jesus. Watch him. Listen to him. Stand in awe of him. Let him overwhelm you with the way he is.(John piper)



3/1 思想耶穌1

  • 基督能取代任何事物,卻不能被任何事物所取代。Christ is a substitute for everything, but nothing is a substitute for Christ.(Rev. Harry Ironside,曾任芝加哥慕迪教會牧師)
  • 每當主耶穌看見你因祂為你所做的事,而感激並欣賞時,祂都會受感動而歡樂起來。(哈列斯比)Jesus is moved to happiness everytime He sees that you appreciate what He has done for you.(Ole Hallesby)
  • 如果你的生命是虛空的,讓基督來填滿它吧!If your life is empty, fill it with Christ.(Woodrow Kroll)
  • 耶穌經營幸福事業,祂釋放我們免於恐懼、死亡與神的審判。Jesus is in the happiness business. He has set us free from fear, death, and God's judgement.(John Hagee)
  • 無論在何處有人傳揚耶穌,我們就會在那裡看到生命被改變得更美善,國家變得更美好,偷竊轉為誠實,酗酒者清醒過來,令人恨惡的人成為流通愛的管道。Wherever Jesus has been proclaimed, we see lives change for the good, nations change for the better, thieves become honest, alcoholics become sober, hateful individuals become channels of love.(John McDowell)
  • 將水變為酒的同一位耶穌,也能轉化你的家庭、你的生命、你的未來。祂繼續在經營神蹟奇事的事業,而祂的事業是一種轉化的事業。The same Jesus Who turned water into wine can transform your home, your life, your family, and your future. He is still in the miracle-working business, and His business is the business of transformation.(Adrian Rogers)



2/15 同蒙天召的聖潔弟兄

  • 來信靠神的兒子耶穌基督,您將成為蒙神所愛、被揀選的人。
  • 您可以與主耶穌親密連結,像枝子連於葡萄樹,您將酷似耶穌,活出祂的聖潔榮美。
  • 神的兒子耶穌基督先來取了人的肉身,與我們相同;基督成全十字架的救恩後,就叫我們凡事得以與基督一同。
  • 我們是蒙召來跟隨耶穌,領受屬天生命之神的兒女們。我們因信基督,與屬世分別出來,同得屬天的呼召,同奔屬天的道路,是屬天的國民。
  • 當我們來信靠神的兒子耶穌基督,我們就成為被神揀選,因耶穌寶血洗淨,擁有神兒女尊貴身份的天國子民。



02/01 未來的一年2









01/18 未來的一年1









01/04 讓2021成為最好的日子

這一年,仍像英國作家狄更斯Charles Dickens在他所著《雙城記》一起頭所說:



12/21 基督降生帶來祝福!

  • 當天使的歌聲沉寂下來
    When the song of the angels is stilled,
    when the star in the sky is gone,
    when the kings and princes are home,
    when the shepherds are back with the flocks,
    then the work of Christmas begins:
    to find the lost,
    to heal those broken in spirit,
    to feed the hungry,
    to release the oppressed,
    to rebuild the nations,
    to bring peace among all peoples,
    to make a little music with the heart…
    And to radiate the Light of Christ,
    every day, in every way, in all that we do and in all that we say.
    Then the work of Christmas begins.
    ~Howard Thurman
  • 祂成為我們的樣子,好使我們成為祂的樣子。(亞他拿修)
    He became what we are that he might make us what he is.(St.Athanasius)
  • 神成為人,來使受造物變成祂的眾子;祂不是使舊造變得更好,乃是生出新造的族類。(魯益師)
    God became man to turn creatures into sons: not simply to produce better men of the old kind but to produce a new kind of man.(C.S. Lewis)
  • 很多人注意基督的生日,卻很少人注意祂的教訓。(富蘭克林)
    How many observe Christ's birthday! How few, His precepts!(Benjamin Franklin)



12/07 聖誕的祝福!

  • 通往聖誕之路,要穿過一道古老的門,一道小小的門,像嬰孩的高度與寬度,通關密語是:「平安歸於世上祂所喜悅的人。」但願今年的聖誕節,您回轉變成一個小孩,好進入祂的國度。
    The way to Christmas lies through an ancient gate....It is a little gate, child-high, child-wide, and there is a password: "Peace on earth to men of good will." May you, this Christmas, become as a little child again and enter into His kingdom.(Angelo Patri義大利裔美國作家與教育家)
  • 你會收到的最偉大禮物,不會出現在聖誕樹底下;它太貴重,不能儲存在別的地方,只能存在你心深處。
    The greatest gift you will ever receive will never be found under a Christmas tree. It is far too valuable to be stored in any other place but in the depths of your heart.
  • 在聖誕節期,當我們慶祝神與祂子民的新關係時,讓它也返照出我們與人的關係,促使我們更新我們與配偶、孩子、家庭成員、我們所親愛的人以及那些靠近我們的人之關係。讓我們在忙碌於節慶的活動與採買中,彼此說柔和的話,使聖誕節成為基督真實臨到的日子。
    During this Advent season as we celebrate the new relationship between God and his people, may that be mirrored in our renewed relationships with spouses, children, family and those near and dear to us. May we speak tenderly to each other amidst all the rush of the season and transform the shopping days till Christmas into the true Advent of Christ.(Casely Essamuah, Park Street Church)
  • 當基督進入我們的世界時,祂不是要照亮我們的12月,乃是要改變我們的生命。
    When Christ entered our world, he didn't come to brighten our Decembers, but to transform our lives.(Rich Miller)



11/23 Thanksgiving

  • 我為我所是和我所擁有的而感恩,我的感恩是恆久持續的。(亨利.梭羅)
    I am grateful for what I am and have. My thanksgiving is perpetual.(Henry David Thoreau)
  • 我們更多讚美,就會更少憂慮;感恩是不知足、不滿意的仇敵。
    We would worry less if we praised more. Thanksgiving is the enemy of discontent and dissatisfaction.(Harry Ironside)
  • 我們的祈求與感謝必須是並行的,我們禱告時活潑跳躍,在讚美上卻跛足。(司布真)
    There should be a parallel between our supplications and our thanksgivings. We ought not to leap in prayer, and limp in praise.(Charles Haddon Spurgeon)
  • 如果你一生中,惟一說出來的禱告是「謝謝你」,那也就夠了!
    If the only prayer you ever say in your entire life is thank you, it will be enough.(Meister Eckhart,德國神學家、哲學家)
  • 感謝將會釋放出生命中的豐盛。
    Gratitude unlocks the fullness of life.(Melody Beattie,美國作家)
  • 感恩卻不說出來,就像包好禮物,卻沒給出去一樣。
    Feeling gratitude and not expressing it is like wrapping a present and not giving it.(William Arthur Ward,美國作家)
  • 我們必須找出時間,停一下,向那些在我們生命中帶來改變的人表達感恩。(甘迺迪總統)
    We must find the time to stop and thank the people who make a difference in our lives.(John F. Kennedy)



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